Thursday, January 19, 2012


I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said: 

“I run like a girl, try to keep up!”   

For my generation girls and muscles were not compatible! Sure we needed a certain amount of muscle tone and strength, but don’t over do it!

Of course that whole mentality has changed even for my generation as the health benefits of muscle vs. fat have become obvious to even the casual observer!  

But, it still 'shocks’ me to look in the mirror at cycling class-----there are mirrors on 3 sides---and see the muscle definition in my shoulders. What’s even more amazing is that I like it!  

Though I still find the “extreme” muscle development of body building competitors gross looking, I appreciate the hard work, discipline and dedication it takes especially for those who do it naturally!  And I’ve definitely decided that muscles ARE for this girl!

Last week at boot camp I was talking with a friend about how we are increasing in upper body strength with all the  push ups, TRS pull ups, ropes, dynaball slams….   As I held up my arm for illustration, I suddenly realized that I have significant (for me) biceps! My Friend Connie was impressed. And so was I!  It was like an ‘A-HA’ moment for me!

Some days I feel like a by-stander watching my body being transformed!  I just keep doing boot camp and watching what I eat, and its keeps happening. Not effortlessly mind you, but surprisingly “WOW” it’s hard to believe-----for this 65 year old baby boomer grandma getting fit and healthy!

Are muscles for you, GIRL????  I hope so----May God richly bless you in the coming New Year. It is my hope and prayer that we all do well in 2012!

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