Family Photos tell the truth!
One picture is worth a thousand words?
Of course these picture were not hanging on any wall in my home nor were they posted on my face book wall; But they were right there all the time confronting me on the walls of my mind! Actually on second thought, some of them were tagged on my face book wall by family members! What can you do, leave out all the family pictures because they tell the truth about your size??
The following is intended to be a bit humorous, but some of it may be painful as well. To tell the truth, when we are so self-conscious about our weight we think EVERYONE is noticing. But really, in the bigger picture, we're not that 'important' to everyone that they are scoping out our dimensions! We are often our own worst critics and people are not seeing what we see as so wrong about ourselves! That said, please take the following in a light hearted manner!
Guess I like the end of the left side best!! |
How many of us have looked at a group photo and our eyes go directly to ourselves in the picture? After a while you begin strategizing how to look better and avoid those “tell-all” photos.
For my sister, it was practice smiling in the mirror so she’d have a good smile without all her gums showing. For me? Get in the back of the picture. That was pretty easy when we were standing since I’m usually taller than everyone else. But then our pictures with my sisters would often put me on the end—I’m the oldest and we’d automatically line up by age! Must be a throw back to those stair step pictures from our childhood years! There were 5 of us born in the space of 5 years, including our brother right in the middle position, so we did make excellent stair steps in our younger years! Or maybe I just hadn't caught on to something my sisters already knew, that grabbing the middle position is more figure friendly!
Even now, with 56 pounds less of me, I am still reprogramming those pictures in my mind! It is a process, but I'm changing them one mega-pixel at a time! Praise God! According to the Word of God, I am awesomely and wonderfully made by Him!! And I am once again finding that awesome person He had in mind all along!
Just a note for you who are reading this, You are awesome too and don't ever think otherwise!!
Ah Ha!! Peeking out from the back! Perfect positioning makes all the difference!!! |
Even my niece has this technique perfected. She was taking a picture of all my sisters and I with our mom. She stood up on a stool and had us look up at the camera—voila—no double chins showing!!! Thanks Shannon !
My O my!! 2010, the 4th of July!!! |
When there's only two in the picture, you're always on the end! Could I have at least stood up straight and sucked in my gutt? It was a picture after all!! 2009 |
I didn't think to hide behind the quilt! My daughter Deborah had the right idea and she didn't even need to!! |
More recently my rule had been get in the middle in back, turn slightly right side (best side) forward and if possible position part of my body behind whoever is next to me! If someone's going to look bigger in the picture it won't be me!!
July 31, 2011 |
One of my last 244#, maximum weight pictures broke all those rules. There I was with my family, on the end—huge thigh accentuated even with my Lane Bryant black cropped pants trying to make me look cute! It was such a nice family picture—nice smiles, my hair looked good, I was with the ones I love, but I saw in that picture what was happening to my body. That picture stands out as a pivotal point initiating a mind and attitude switch from “Fat & Happy” to "I really need to get serious about my health!" And as you have seen, I did take that attitude switch seriously!
Thanks for helping me out a bit, Rebekah! Much better angle! You made a beautiful shield! July 4, 2010 |
Not exactly front and center, but still looking like it!! July 4, 2010 |
Even now, with 56 pounds less of me, I am still reprogramming those pictures in my mind! It is a process, but I'm changing them one mega-pixel at a time! Praise God! According to the Word of God, I am awesomely and wonderfully made by Him!! And I am once again finding that awesome person He had in mind all along!
Just a note for you who are reading this, You are awesome too and don't ever think otherwise!!
Thanks for visiting with this "Babyboomergrandma".
My life time journey continues! Until next time, may God richly bless YOUR life.
Man, this one is good too!!!